Since my twelfth I now Peter very well. As schoolboys, we always tried to skip boring hours in classrooms to escape for some birding. We cycled trough rainy Zeeland and into Groningen to get some new species on our lists. Currently, Peter is a busy guy, so we have to plan things.
Busy to import sightings live in the field. Where are the eyes in the field? |
We planned a trip to tick some species in Zeeland and to do some birding around. The first species we absolutely wanted to see is the long-staying Gyr Falcon (1w) near Sluiskil. We had been looking for a pattern in the sightings and it seemed that te bird preffered the electricity masts west of Sluiskil. After almost an hour of searching, a car passed with some birders. They told us that the bird was just found in a mast nearby. In the previous hour, we also saw a Merlin (a split second of 'huh?!') and heard singing Mistle Thrushes. After some good lookings, we asked a French man to take a picture of the Falcon and us. The result....
Can you see the Falcon? |
Some more pictures of the succesful day.
Corn Buntings, Biervliet. A rare wintering bird in Holland. |
Rock Pipit - We spent some time to ID the pipits on a field in Biervliet. This Rock Pipits mantle appeared blueish, so we thought some secs that is was a Water Pipit. But the overall greyish plumage, black bill, buffy and heavily streaked flanks, creamy underparts pointed towards a Rock Pipit. I don't see many of them, since it is a species of the coast. |
2cy GBBG, ringed in Norway |
Another 2cy GBBG, ringed in Norway |
The result of feeding some fine bread in the harbour of Vlissingen |
The result of feeding some fine bread in the harbour of Vlissingen |
The result of feeding some fine bread in the harbour of Vlissingen |
The long-staying Glaucous of Neeltje Jans also wanted some fine bread. |